7 Teams will compete in the route of 42,195 km.
You can support the project and your favorite team in this way:
- Donate (click here) with all your love and without any other reason!
- Partecipate to the craziest awards subscription in the story!
Since we know that you are psychologically attracted by the second choice, do not be ashamed, and read the rules below! Go on with more challenges: GUESS THE TIME!!
Remember: .... for every dollar donated, the ERM Foundation (click here) will pay another one.
The winner of the Subscription will get:
A basket of typical products from Veneto, Lombardy, Tuscany, Abruzzo and more Regions….
The highest donation will win:
A delicious bottle of wine to celebrate alone or together with some friends.
- Guess the time For any donation you do, you can guess one different time. So, first of all, click on the “donation” bottom you can find in the home page. Donate at least 5 euro and insert you comment including the name of your favorite team and the time you think they will need to close the competition. For istance:
NameTeam - Time Xh YY' ZZ" - Your Name
To be sure send also a mail at
- Who is the winner? The winner is the person getting the smaller difference between the indicated time and the real one. In case of equality, the winner is the first one that guess the right time.
- TAKE CARE Team members cannot indicate their own time! It is allowed for team members just to guess the time of another team. It is not fundamental to indicate the sequence of arrival. Each person can try to guess as many times as he wants. Off course it is necessary to do a new donation every time!